Nuova collaborazione Casa della poesia e il Fatto Quotidiano

montejo-victor Altro

Victor Montejo

My previous struggles and commitments for human rights and the rights of indigenous people will help in the continuous construction of NAISA as the most expressive association of indigenous intellectuals. I was a co-founder of the Commission for Human Rights of the American Anthropological Association. As a Minster of Peace I was in charge of promoting and implementing the peace Accords signed between the Guatemalan Government and the URNG or guerrilla movement of Guatemala. My current efforts in building a pan-Maya Movement in Guatemala is a good example of the continuous struggles of indigenous people for self representation and self determination. As a scholar and activist, I have engaged in an applied science working directly with indigenous populations. My current projects focuses on indigenous migration and transnationalism, as well as in developing a curricula in Native Knowledge and epistemology.

Victor Montejo
Victor Montejo è un Maya Jakaltek originario del Guatemala. Si è laureato nel 1993 in Antropologia presso l'Università del Connecticut, USA ed è attualmente professore di Native American Studies presso la University of California di Davis. Il suo interesse accademico si concentra sulle popolazioni indigene della Mesoamerica e ha lavorato a lungo su molti temi fondamentali: la diaspora latino-americana, i diritti umani, la migrazione e transnazionalismo, studi comparativi, l’etnia, visioni... n2774
Testimonianza 1996 128 Altre Americhe
L'uccello che pulisce il mondo
L'uccello che pulisce il mondo 1996 120 Altre Americhe